TLW launches VEWhygiene

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, TLW has been [...]
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Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, TLW has been offering support to our valued clients and customers.
The coronavirus has changed the world we live in and now we are trying to help prevent the spread of the disease to provide extra support.
Our VEWhygiene product range has been launched in response to this to help you, your staff and your customers during these unprecedented times.
Our current range of VEWhygiene includes hand sanitiser stations, face masks, Coronavirus safety signs and VEWbeam disinfection lamps.
We’ve featured our best-selling and popular VEWhygiene products below.
Ilona Pedal Activated Hand Sanitiser Station
- Adapts to most 500ml bottles
- Pedal command avoids contamination
- No installation required
- Sturdy and durable
- Easily relocatable
- Suitable for external use
- Both station sides can be used
Plain and Branded Reusable Face Masks
- Full coverage print design available
- Plain or branded face masks
- Machine washable
- Quick turnaround
- Adjustable strap
- Protects mouth, nose and eyes
- Face Visor + certified to ENBS166:2001
We have produced a downloadable VEWhygiene PDF brochure for you to browse offline. Download the VEWhygiene brochure.