How to use VEWhygiene to stop the spread of Coronavirus

Published On: 29th May 2020
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The TLW VEWhygiene range has been launched to assist you, your staff, your customers and colleagues with the challenges from the Coronavirus disease. The VEWhygiene collection is ideal for workplaces to help stop the spread of the disease. We have pulled together the steps you need to get back to business.

Surface sanitising

U60-0100 VEWbeam Disinfection table & Ozone UVC Light 38w (2)

The first step is to sanitise the surfaces and rooms that will be used by yourself, staff and customers. These surfaces will then need to be sanitised daily. Available O-Zone free and with O-Zone, the VEWbeam disinfection lamps kill 99.9% of bacteria in the surrounding areas. Another option is to use SAFECLEAN surface sanitiser spray to inhibit bacteria and viruses for 5 hours of protection. The surface sanitiser spray is safe to use on any surface and leaves a streak and smear free finish.

Safety signs

vewhygiene please keep 2m apart circle and floor coronavirus safety sign

Safety signs need to be installed in all of the necessary areas to remind people to stay 2 metres apart, wear masks in particular areas or use hand sanitiser before entering. The safety signs reinforce social distancing rules and encourage good hygiene. The most popular safety sign is the circular floor sign showing two feet with a notice to keep 2m apart.

Protective screens

branded protective sneeze screen 2

The next step to help stop the spread is to install protective screens around desks or workspaces. The screens are ideal for stopping the spread of germs, bacteria and viruses from sneezes or coughs. We have plain and branded sneeze screens – which can be customised with your company’s message or logo – available.

Hand sanitising

vewhygiene h-wash45 hands-free sanitising station

Staff, customers and clients need to wash their hands regularly for 20 seconds to prevent the spread of the disease. Sanitising stations can be set up where they are required to encourage hand washing. Toilets will need to be cleaned daily to help stop the spread.

Our hand sanitising collection includes sanitising stations, sanitiser gels, hand soaps, antiviral disinfectant and much more. Our sanitisation stations vary from van sanitising stations and driver packs to pedal activated stations and external use stations.

Face masks

TLW Branded Reusable Face Masks

The Government recommends that the public wears face coverings in enclosed public spaces. Therefore the wearing of face masks should be encouraged inside. Face masks cover the nose and mouth to stop contact from germs and bacteria inhibiting the spread of coronavirus. We have a range of face masks includes reusable face masks, K95 respirator face masks, face visors and 3-ply type IIR face mask.

Get in touch on [email protected] or call +44 (0)1302 741941 about the VEWhygiene products. If you are interested in hygiene products outside of our range, please contact us and we will do everything possible to help you.